Mod of the Month November 2010

Written by Antony Leather

December 2, 2010 | 10:40

Tags: #cnc #drill #radiator #water-cooling

Companies: #bit-tech #dremel #lian-li #silverstone

Silver Dragon by ulysses Cazuquel

Project Log: Here
Silver Dragon began it's life on our forums in 2007, but while there have been some hefty gaps in the worklog, ulysses Cazuquel posted another update in November with the promise of finishing the project too. Given the epic visuals on show, we felt it a worthy nominee this month - so long as ulysses Cazuquel is true to his word that is, and finishes the project.

Mod of the Month November 2010 Silver Dragon by ulysses Cazuquel Mod of the Month November 2010 Silver Dragon by ulysses Cazuquel

The details are some of the most eloquent we've ever seen, with a mix of oriental and tribal designs, cut into various panels on the case.

Mod of the Month November 2010 Silver Dragon by ulysses Cazuquel Mod of the Month November 2010 Silver Dragon by ulysses Cazuquel

Viewed close up, they're even more noteworthy and the symmetry is pleasing to the eye too.

Mod of the Month November 2010 Silver Dragon by ulysses Cazuquel Mod of the Month November 2010 Silver Dragon by ulysses Cazuquel

Other updates have even more interesting details, but the case quite simply came alive when some lighting was added, shining through the jagged design menacingly.

Mod of the Month November 2010 Silver Dragon by ulysses Cazuquel Mod of the Month November 2010 Silver Dragon by ulysses Cazuquel

The case has yet to receive some water-cooling hardware, but it seems to be getting more amazing to look at the further into project log we go. If its previous updates are anything to by, we're in for a treat with this one. Lets just hope it really will be completed this time.

If you'd like to vote for ulysses Cazuquel's fantastic-looking project, head to the forums.

That's all for this month! We'll be back next year with Mod of the Month but make sure you keep checking the front page nearer Christmas - that's right, it's that time again. Mod of the Year is only a few weeks away...
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